It is not in doubt that immigrants face the sharper end of the current housing crisis in Sweden.

Afrocommunity . / Dec. 16, 2023, 8:23 p.m.

From students, to new migrants, getting apartments to live in Sweden is often associated with years of waiting on a long queue, and high rental cost. 

Malcolm Jallow, a member of parliament from the Left-wing Party (vänsterpartiet) is at the forfront of the fight to not relinguish the power of the Tenants Association to negotiate the price cap of rental apartments. Though he faces stiff resistance from the opposition Sweden Democrats, and other proponents of Free Rent Control, there seems to be no solution in sight to the current housing issues.

Sweden has been grappling with a housing crisis, prompting discussions on housing reform. A key point of contention is the balance between landlords' and tenants' rights, specifically in relation to rent control. The Sweden Democrats are challenging the established political consensus by proposing alternative solutions. This clash of perspectives highlights the ongoing debate surrounding rent control and its implications for the housing market in Sweden.

Malcolm Momodou Jallow argues that it is essential to protect tenants, especially foreigners who fall on the lower rung of the salary pyramid from being priced out of their homes in gentrifying areas. He asserts that without rent control, landlords have the power to increase rents arbitrarily, making housing unaffordable for many. However, his opponents, the Sweden Democrats suggest that the case for and against rent control is more complex than presented, with varying perspectives on its effectiveness in addressing housing affordability concerns.

They argue that increasing the supply of affordable housing through public-private partnerships and incentivizing developers would alleviate the shortage of affordable homes, reducing the need for rent control measures.

This situation if not well looked into will be a strong decider of who gains majority in the Riksdag(The Swedish Parliament) in coming elections as the majority of voters of both  Vänster Partiet and Sverige Demokrat and they are watching with keen eyes.


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